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Fashion advertising & promotion
Spring 2019
A study of key fashion media, cutting edge strategies, techniques for branding and advertising, and promoting fashion products.
1. Utilize strategies to help establish a strong fashion brand
2. Analyze the contemporary practices of fashion advertising based on theoretical frameworks of consumer behavior
3. Analyze the purposes, procedures, methods and techniques used in various fashion promotion activities
4. Evaluate various media to be used for fashion advertising and promotion
5. Cultivate an editorial eye to inform, persuade, or entertain a targeted audience in the fashion communication field.
6. Apply communication and consumer behavior theories in creating of a successful fashion advertising and promotion
• Find a fashion advertisement that portrays each of the following brand
personalities: Sincere, Exciting, Competent, Sophisticated, and Rugged
• Describe how each ad represents the form of brand personality that you believe it illustrates and how it was built (provider driven, image of the user, image of product or service)
• Find four fashion advertisements (two that you think use color well + two that you think use color poorly)
• Explain your choices and justify why you think they use color well/poorly with concepts discussed in class
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